喔喔 !
同捆組 - 注意事項
Note for Value Pack
January 25th to February 2nd coincides with the 2025 Chinese New Year of the Snake. Therefore, the processing time for orders in February will be about 5 working days longer than usual. If you need early delivery, please try to order in advance.
Orders from Jan 19, The Value Pack discounts will no longer be automatically calculated at checkout. For details, please visit the Member Center for relevant instructions.
Welcome to use little modification to make your underwear or swimwear more unique. Come and take a look: Little Modification.
📌【半客製化訂做】均為訂製商品,製程均約需5~7個工作天,恕不接受退換貨及退款!首次訂購者,請您務必先了解 半客製化訂做規則
除福袋以外,並沒有任何內褲及泳褲庫存,因此 [半客製化訂做] 都是訂做訂單,平常製程均約需5~7個工作天(不含星期例假日,遇特殊節日可能會增加約7個工作天或以上),如有送禮時間上的需求,請您儘量提早訂購。半客製化訂做訂單均會在確認後才依您的訂購內容進行製作,因此,恕無法提供鑑賞期、退換貨以及退款,也不會讓您買到別人試穿過的商品。收貨三天內非人為因素之脫線、車縫破損,我們保證免費換新(不含:福袋、已標示為NG的商品、容易勾紗或消耗型的內衣褲、使用後的磨損)。
首次訂購內褲及泳褲的會員,建議您將身高體重及緊身偏好填寫在訂單的 [訂單備註] 欄,以利我們協助您作尺寸上的建議。未註明者,客服人員也透過簡訊方式協助您判斷尺碼(本服務僅限於台灣地區的手機門號,僅限第一次訂購的會員),尺碼相關說明請參考: 尺寸指南。準備期間如需變更尺碼或顏色,請您務必在送出訂單的48小時內通知我們,超過時間並且已經進行生產將會無法作異動。
※ 送出訂單,則代表您已經同意我們的半客製化訂做規則。
💡 購物車僅保存7天,會員登入後可保存15天。
Remind you! As long as you complete the payment and receipt of any shopping website, it means that the transaction has been completed, and there will never be any repayment or transfer to the installment account, etc.! There will never be a credit card one-time payment turned into an installment payment, and there will never be a check error in the receipt of the logistics delivery to pay installment (no logistics company has a delivery note with installment payment)!