11u068 極低腰托扶囊袋小三角
- 激凸囊袋極低腰性感小三角男內褲(New Nudist)
- 獨家精心設計托扶型囊袋內褲~仿佛有隻手輕輕托扶著~完全不會與大腿摩擦~並且帶給您幾近裸體般地舒適~喜歡挑戰極限低腰性感的您~絕對不能錯過Nudist系列內著
- 全新改版Nudist~提昇囊袋包覆性~提高臀部高度
- 男模特兒穿銀纖維內褲~本款男褲提供多款材質~更多繽紛色彩可選
To speed up production, the overall production process has been adjusted since October 2018, Special requirements such as "no logo" and "no washing tag" will no longer be provided, If there is a note in the Order Remarks field of the order, we will only provide the "no washing tag" requirement without other notice. From April 2022, we will slightly adjust the LOGO label to a more suitable/comfortable position. Therefore, the actual position will be subject to the actual product. Here, we would like to thank the buyers for their enthusiastic feedback!
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